Teaching App Development with Swift


Level 4, Eight Lessons

Discover how iOS apps obtain and use network data such as RSS feeds containing media metadata. Demonstrate how a tab bar controller helps manage an interface for multiple view controllers. Teach students about the importance of separating data from implementation, extracting structured data, and invoking asynchronous methods.

The Finished App

Familiarize yourself with the project, and demonstrate the app students will build.

Lesson 1

Analyze the app startup process with an empty Xcode project.

Lesson 2

Demonstrate how to add a storyboard and tab bar controller, and teach students the purpose and behavior of the tab bar controller.

Lesson 3

Customize four view controllers to illustrate the behavior of a tab bar controller.

Lesson 4

Teach students how to bind four distinct view controllers to a single implementation.

Lesson 5

Encourage students to recognize the separation of data and behavior, and illustrate the relationship between user defined runtime attributes and controller properties.

Lesson 6

Introduce RSS feeds as a data source, and demonstrate retrieving data with asynchronous methods and closures.

Lesson 7

Facilitate students in analyzing the separation of data and implementation, and use user defined runtime attributes to bind different URLs to controller instances.

Lesson 8

Facilitate students in practicing retrieving RSS data, and recognizing asynchronous methods and closures.

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